Dan W. Lufkin Prize for Environmental Leadership
The Dan W. Lufkin Prize for Environmental Leadership is a new award that recognizes Dan W. Lufkin's lifetime commitment to the environment and honors individuals who have dedicated their lives to on-the-ground conservation. As part of this award, the recipient receives a $100,000 cash prize, made through an endowment established by Dan's family and friends, to help further his or her conservation efforts. George Archibald received the first Dan W. Lufkin Prize in 2013. This award will become a signature prize in the field of conservation innovation.
Past Awardees
2019 J. Drew Lanham, PhD
2018 Dave Morine
2017 Nathaniel Reed
2016 Pete McCloskey, Jr.
2015 Spencer B. Beebe
2014 Patrick F. Noonan
2013 George Archibald
Dan W. Lufkin – The Man Behind the Prize
Most people think of Dan Lufkin as one of America's greatest businessmen. Anyone who spends time with Dan, however, knows that his true passion is for the environment. He served as Connecticut's first Commissioner of the Department of Environmental Protection and over the course of his lifetime has lent his expertise and directed his philanthropy to many of the most effective conservation organizations across the country, serving on the Boards of the National Audubon Society, The Nature Conservancy, National Park Foundation, Environmental Defense Fund, Quebec-Labrador Foundation, Atlantic Salmon Federation, American Farmland Trust, the Conservation Fund, and other groups.
Audubon Thanks the Generous Individuals and Institutors Who Provided the Funding to Establish The Dan W. Lufkin Prize for Environmental Leadership:
Allen & Company, Inc.
Vincent C. Banker, Esq.
Sue R. Blagden
Ms. Wendy N. Carduner
Kerry & Anne Douglas
Mr. Hugh Freund
The Michael Fux Foundation
Radin Glass & Co., LLP
George D. Gould
The Richard Hampton Jenrette Foundation
Alison Kiefer
Melvyn N. Klein
Kenneth G. Langone
Abigail Lufkin
Alison Lufkin
Cynthia Lufkin
Elise B. Lufkin
Elise G. Lufkin
Margaret Lufkin
Lufkin Family Foundation
Mr. William M. R. Mapel
Mr. Robert Marston
Jessica Misener
Starr Misener
Mr. and Mrs. Donal C. O'Brien, Jr.
Don O'Brien
Mr. Nathaniel Pryor Reed
John A. Scully
The Peter J. Sharp Foundation
Mr. Peter J. Solomon
Marc Sutherland
Mr. & Mrs. Carl H. Tiedmann II
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