Garry George

Garry George

Senior Director, Climate Strategy, National Audubon Society

Articles by Garry George

How Clean Energy Can Benefit Climate, Communities, And Conservation
July 29, 2024 — Conservation groups can make sure clean energy and transmission projects are responsibly sited and operated.
An eagle flying in front of the sun.
How New Incidental Take Permits Can Protect Bald and Golden Eagles at Wind Energy Sites
February 08, 2024 — The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service has an improved permitting process that benefits eagles.
A New Study in Wyoming Will Test Whether Black Paint Helps Birds Avoid Wind Turbines
December 27, 2023 — The research aims to evaluate the effects of contrast painting on wind turbine rotor blades in the largest such study yet.
Green Light for Largest Offshore Wind Project in the U.S. is a Hopeful Restart for Birds
February 22, 2021 — The revived Vineyard Wind Project will be a powerful force for reducing emissions, protecting both people and wildlife from the effects of climate change.