Installed: 3/16/2015
About the Bird: Once endangered by widespread use of the pesticide DDT, which it ingested through fish, this coastal forager had nearly disappeared from the Gulf Coast of the United States. The Brown Pelican’s population has not only bounced back, but its summer range in North America could expand by 220 percent if global warming continues apace. That doesn’t mean it’s out of the woods, however. Climate change will also bring more severe and frequent drought and spring heat waves, both of which could complicate the bird’s future, along with urbanization that eliminates potential new habitat.
About the Artist: Jason Covert was born between a harbor and a marsh on Cape Cod. After lived in Boston, San Francisco, Tasmania, and Portugal, Jason landed in New York City and found himself sleeping in doorways, his car, and on the couches of friends and acquaintances as he strove to be recognized as an artist. Now, Covert has come to enjoy a sizable clientele of collectors that literally span the globe. Painting the Brown Pelican is a nod to his roots: “One has but to watch the Brown Pelican perform its graceful feeding dives to understand how poetic an animal it truly is. As a Cape Codder, I have spent countless hours sitting by the sea, and as such, have long been a fan. It was an honor to work with this bird’s image.”
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