Activities During the Great Backyard Bird Count
The events below are just a selection of the many hundreds of Great Backyard Bird Count events that Audubon Chapters and Centers and other groups will be offering to help people participate in the count, February 14-17, 2020. You can find more local events by searching for the Audubon Chapter or Center nearest you. For inclusion in this listing, please email us your event details.
Sharon, CT
Fri, Feb. 14 and Sat, Feb. 15 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Sharon Audubon Center, Sharon, CT
Join us at the Sharon Audubon Center to learn basic bird identification and learn how to participate in the GBBC. Staff will be on hand at the bird feeding window throughout the day helping guests learn to identify common feeder birds as they record numbers of birds for GBBC. Info will be given on how to continue participating on their own at home in GBBC and other community science projects. This event is free and advance registration is not required. Check out all of the GBBC events happening at Sharon Audubon Center at https://sharon.audubon.org. See all GBBC events in CT at https://ct.audubon.org/events.
Clewiston, FL
Sat. Feb. 15, Sun. Feb. 15 and Mon. Feb. 17 8:15 am to 1:00 pm
STA 5/6 (Stormwater Treatment Area 5/6) Clewiston, FL
Join Hendry/Glades Audubon Volunteers for the annual GBBC escorted driving trips at STA 5/6 meeting at the recently reopened Deer Fence Canal Trailhead. This event is free and advance registration is required on Eventbrite link at www.hendrygladesaudubon.org Bring water and snacks. Submit your data to ebird location: Stormwater Treatment Area 5/6. For information email: sta5birding@embarqmail.com or text 863-517-0202
Deltona, FL
Sat., Feb 15, 8:00 am to 11:00 am
Audubon Park, Deltona FL
Join the Seminole Audubon Society on a free bird walk at this City of Deltona park where 167 avian species have been recorded. The recreational facility features boardwalks, nature trails, and interpretive kiosks. The property is also used for storm water management and natural resource preservation purposes. Bird count from this hike will be submitted to The Great Backyard Bird Count 2020 corresponding to the dates for the event, Feb. 14-17. Meet 8:00 am at the park located near the intersection of Lush Lane and Doyle Road. See https://seminoleaudubon.org/field-trips/ for event information.
Miami, FL
Sat., February 15, Noon-4pm
Tropical Audubon Society, 5530 Sunset Dr., Miami FL33143. Limited free parking via 55th Avenue auto entry gate; free parking at Riviera Presbyterian Church; various meter, garage and valet options within 1-3 blocks; Metrorail service to South Miami.
Children, Families, Students, Naturalists & Newcomers are invited to Flock to Tropical Audubon Society for BIRD DAY! Presented by Leica Store Miami. The 2.2 near-native acres that comprise Tropical Audubon Society and its Steinberg Nature Center campus will be the site of the 8th Annual Bird Day, an engaging, educational afternoon and an enriching outdoor experience. Featuring interactive games and prizes, the free Bird Day festival is designed for children and families, students, scouts and naturalists of every age. Participants can learn how to identify birds, take part in owl pellet dissection and experience a microscopic view of the colorful world of feathers.
Bird Day celebrates the annual northbound flight of nearly 350 species of migratory birds stopping in South Florida on their return to North America from the Caribbean, Central and South America and Mexico. To help welcome our avian visitors, attendees can learn how to create an attractive “rest stop” in their own yards and get primed to participate in the “Great Backyard Bird Count” (taking place February 15-17). The larger role our region plays on the Atlantic Flyway will be illuminated by Cape Florida Bird Banding Station, South Florida Audubon Society, Audubon Everglades and the Environmentally Endangered Lands Program.
2pm Great Backyard Bird Count Workshop: TAS Board Member and Field Trip Coordinator Brian Rapoza will host a Great Backyard Bird Count Workshop and Bird Walk in collaboration with Leica Store Miami. Bird watchers of every level can learn how to participate and contribute to the national tally.
Bonus: Explore the trails that thread the site's Tropical Hardwood Hammock and Pine Rockland habitats; tour the historic 1932 Doc Thomas House that serves as TAS headquarters. Presenting Sponsor: Leica Store Miami, Partners: Cape Florida Bird Banding Station, Environmentally Endangered Lands Program, PhoebesBirding, South Florida Audubon Society, Audubon Everglades. Community Sponsors: Community Newspapers, INYBN.com, Riviera Presbyterian. https://birdday2020.eventbrite.com
Easton, MD
Sat Feb 15, 9:00 am to 12:00 pm
Pickering Creek Audubon Center, 11450 Audubon Ln, Easton, MD 21601
Join us at Pickering Creek for the Great Backyard Bird Count on Saturday, February 15 with activities for adults and families from 9am-12pm. Work with experienced birders for a morning of bird watching and counting on a center-wide winter bird survey. Adult-only teams will cover most of our regular e-Bird monitoring routes that are covered on a monthly basis. A family-friendly bird walk is also scheduled, complete with a scavenger hunt for little ones. All visitors are invited to wrap up the morning’s activities with hot chocolate, coffee or tea at the Center office. The event is free but RSVP is required. RSVP at https://act.audubon.org/onlineactions/IpalBjAAz0WyyQNnRyay3A2. Call ahead if its is snowing, 410-822-4903
Fri., Feb 14, 9:00 am to 11:00 am
Strawberry Plains Audubon Center, 285 Plains Rd, Holly Springs, 38635
This event is open to the public and FREE, with a suggested donation of $5 per person. We will be walking main trails around campus. Park at Visitor Center. Dress appropriately to be out in the elements abd bring your own binoculars. We will begin with a brief overview describing the Great Backyard Bird Count and the importance of community science for understanding bird population trends. We are partnering with our local Audubon Campus Chapters, including "Birds of a Feather" (Rust College) and Magnolia Grove Audubon (University of Mississippi). See http://strawberry.audubon.org/events. Registration is requested. Contact SPACinfo@audubon.org, 662-252-1155
New Mexico
Santa Fe, NM
Sat Feb 15, 10:30 am to 12:00 pm
Birding for Kids: The Great Backyard Bird Count, a Family Program at Randall Davey Audubon Center & Wildlife Sanctuary.
Ever wondered who that was whistling in your backyard? Flitting by when you stepped outside? Join us for the 23rd annual Great Backyard Bird Count and a family-friendly Birding 101! With Audubon educator, Sally Maxwell, we will learn common local species of birds and then head out on a bird walk in the wildlife garden. We will have binoculars for you to borrow, as well as bird checklists and ID guides. Suggested donation of $10 per person or $25 per family. Dress warmly, wear comfortable shoes, and please RSVP online. Find out more at https://www.facebook.com/events/794729944323360/ and then RSVP online here: https://forms.gle/ymVAHKHfFpKm7fiM7
Columbus, OH
Monday, Feb 17, 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
Grange Insurance Audubon Center, 505 W Whittier St, Columbus, Ohio 43215
Count the birds in Columbus's backyard! We will be holding bird walks throughout the morning and possibly the afternoon depending on interest. Join us for this years Great Backyard Bird Count in Columbus's Backyard! This community science program is a great way to start getting into birding, AND science! Join us for morning Bird Walks at 8:00 am, and at 10:00. For questions and to RSVP, e-mail Michael at mgoldman@audubon.org https://www.facebook.com/events/1052190788459093/. There is a fee.
Sat., Feb 15, 7:30 am to 11:00 am
Aullwood Audubon Center, 1000 Aullwood Rd, Dayton, OH 45414
Meet at Nature Center Parking Lot to count all the birds! This event is free and open to the public. Admission to the Center is $10/adult and $7/child. Identify and record all species of birds using Aullwood's property as wintering grounds. The Great Backyard Bird Count is a community science project in ornithology. It is conducted annually in mid February. The event is supported by the the National Audubon Society, Birds Canada and Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Find out more at https://www.facebook.com/AullwoodAudubon/ and contact Sam Romeo, Environmental Educator, at 937-890-7360 ext. 223 for more information about Aullwood's participation.
Friday Feb 14 9am-11am
Saturday Feb 15 10am-noon
Sunday Feb 16 1pm-3pm
Monday Feb 17 9am-11am
J.T. Huston-Dr. John D. Brumbaugh Nature Center, 16146 Daniel Street NE, Minerva, OH 44657
Canton Audubon Society (Canton, Ohio) will participate with the Great Backyard Bird Count at the J.T. Huston-Dr. John D. Brumbaugh Nature Center. Join us in the Visitors’ Center and Bird Observatory room. Breakfast with the Birds is Saturday, February 15, 2020. Contact the Canton Audubon Society at cantonaudubonsociety@gmail.com for more details.
Cedar Hill, TX
Sat., Feb 15, 10:00 am to 3:00 pm
Dogwood Canyon Audubon Center, 1206 W FM 1382, Cedar Hill, TX 75104
Whether you're a beginner or advanced birder, the Great Backyard Bird Count is the perfect opportunity to learn about birds in your backyard. Join us for this family friendly event including bird walks and other activities. No registration is required, donations appreciated. Details at https://www.facebook.com/events/843452239444326/
Dallas, TX
Sun., Feb 16, 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm
Trinity River Audubon Center, 6500 Great Trinity Forest Way Dallas,TX 75217
Guests will have the opportunity to attend one of two sessions during the bird count on-site, where they will participate in Great Backyard Bird Count data recording and explore the surrounding nature. Event is free but reservations required at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/great-backyard-bird-count-weekend-tickets-92251774541 . Admission to the Center is waived for those doing the bird count.
Sat., Feb 8, 10 am to 12 pm
Confluence Park, 310 W Mitchell St, San Antonio, TX 78204
Backyard Bird Walk at Confluence Park, Instructor: Angel Poe. Join Mitchell Lake at Confluence Park to prepare for the Great Backyard Bird Count! The Great Backyard Bird Count (GBBC) is a free, fun, and easy way to engage bird watchers of all ages in counting birds to create a real-time snapshot of bird populations. The 23rd annual GBBC will be held February 14 through February 17, 2020. RSVP to MLAC@audubon.org More details at http://mitchelllake.audubon.org/events
Audubon Vermont's Green Mountain Audubon Center, 255 Sherman Hollow Road, Huntington, 05462
Come monitor birds with us this month as part of the Great Backyard Bird Count. Meet at the Office Building, Green Mountain Audubon Center. The Great Backyard Bird Count is an annual four-day event that engages bird watchers of all ages in counting birds to create a real-time snapshot of where the birds are. Following our regular monitor route, we will search for birds in various habitats at the Audubon Center. This is a great opportunity to build your experience using binoculars and listening to bird song. We will identify the birds we see or hear, and record counts of their population numbers. Binoculars and bird guides are available to borrow. The long-term data we gather contributes to the eBird database, which is available to a global community of educators, land managers, ornithologists, conservation biologists, and the public. Explore bird sightings from Audubon Vermont's Green Mountain Audubon Center. We typically finish our monitoring route by about 10 am, but you can leave earlier if necessary. Donations to Audubon are appreciated. We are partnering with the Green Mountain Audubon Society Chapter Visit https://vt.audubon.org/ for more information. Weather updates will be posted on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AudubonVermont
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