Bird Guide
Guide to North American Birds
Explore more than 800 North American bird species, learn about their lives and habitats, and how climate change is impacting their ability to survive.
1 birds

Horned Puffin
Fratercula corniculata
Auks, Murres, Puffins
At a Glance
Very similar to the famous Atlantic Puffin, but with different bill colors and a longer fleshy 'horn' above each eye. Found mainly on islands around the coastline of Alaska, where pairs perch upright on rocks and stare quizzically at human visitors. In winter, likely to be on ocean waters far out of sight of land. Often found with the Tufted Puffin, but has a more northerly distribution in general, rarely wandering as far south as California.
Conservation Status
Least Concern
Coasts and Shorelines, Open Ocean