Birding by Ear

There's a lot to look forward to in spring for birders.

The flowers are blooming, old friends are returning,  and birdsong is at its peak. The sheer volume of songs and calls can often feel overwhelming for birders, but these sounds offer an opportunity and a challenge. With our birding-by-ear series you can learn how to better ID birds through their vocalizations. 

Pt. 1: Start Listening for Songs and Calls
Pt. 2: Learn the Most Common Kinds of Sounds
Pt. 3: Connect Noises With Pictures That Stick
Pt. 4: Grow Familiar With Neighborhood Voices
Pt. 5: “Read” Sounds on Spectrograms
Pt. 6: Know If It's a Mimic or the Real Deal
Pt. 7: Learn Different Regional Accents
Pt. 8: Eavesdrop on Nature's Orchestra
A Few of Our Favorite Sounds
American Bittern
Herons, Egrets, Bitterns
! Priority Bird
Varied Thrush
Red-tailed Hawk
Hawks and Eagles
Pied-billed Grebe

More Birding Advice

Day 29: Spying Exotic Hummingbirds in Brazil
January 30, 2015 — Hummers flock to a feeder that goes through up to 10 pounds of sugar daily.
January 28 noah Strycker
Day 28: Hunting the Buff-throated Purpletuft
January 30, 2015 — Sometimes you just have to get ice cream instead.
Day 27: Headed to Ilhabela
January 28, 2015 — Hot and humid conditions make birds tough to find.
Birding Without Borders: Day 26
January 27, 2015 — Birding with a master of local birds and vocalizations.
Birding Without Borders: Day 25
January 27, 2015 — Rising early for a dawn chorus proves worthwhile.