Migratory Bird Initiative

Using the best available migration science to protect birds and the places they need across their full annual life cycles.

The mission of the Migratory Bird Initiative is to secure the future of migratory birds in the Western Hemisphere by reducing direct threats and protecting key places across the Americas in coordination with science, conservation and policy partners.

The Initiative brings together the latest spatial information on species distributions and movements across their annual cycles to identify priority areas for 458 species of migratory birds that regularly occur in the United States and Canada. We will use this information to define where and how to focus Audubon’s conservation investments in order to protect, restore and manage key habitat and also mitigate threats along full migratory pathways for these species.

Audubon expects to achieve these goals by 1) consolidating and elevating the best-available migration science, filling research gaps and identifying real-time threats throughout annual cycle; 2) strengthening connections and cooperation among key stakeholders such as government agencies, nonprofit organizations, academic institutions and the Audubon network, and 3) informing policy advocacy at the local, state and federal level to drive science-based conservation.

Migratory birds face threats during all stages of the annual cycle, and these threats are accelerating. Fortunately, scientific data, particularly during migration, are accumulating; however, we need to act swiftly and collectively to protect birds and the places they need before the opportunities to do so disappear. Partnerships will be central to the success of the Migratory Bird Initiative, and Audubon looks forward to building and strengthening relationships with other key research and conservation organizations.

If you are a researcher and would like to contribute data to Audubon's Migratory Bird Initiative, please fill out this Data Sharing Agreement. If you would like to contact us for more information, please email migratorybirds@audubon.org

Audubon Science
Bird Migration Explorer

The Bird Migration Explorer is your guide to the heroic annual journeys made by over 450 bird species, and the challenges they face along the way.

Learn more about a species, the migratory birds at a specific location, or a conservation challenge birds face.

Check out the Bird Migration Explorer
Our Migratory Bird Initiative Staff

Chad Wilsey

Vice President and Chief Scientist

Jill Deppe

Jill Deppe

Senior Director, Migratory Bird Initiative

Melanie Smith

Melanie A. Smith

Director, Digital Science & Data Products

Nat Seavy

Nat Seavy

Director of Migration Science, Migratory Bird Initiative, National Audubon Society

Erika Knight

Erika Knight

GIS and Data Science Specialist

Chad Witko

Chad Witko

Senior Coordinator, Avian Biology

Bill DeLuca

William DeLuca

Senior Manager, Migration Ecology

Nicolas Gonzalez

Senior Communications Manager, Migration Science

Migratory Bird News

Remember that Audubon depends on your support to do the conservation work that we do.
A common tern flying
Migratory Birds that Fly between Canada and South America Face Highest Risk, per New Audubon Study
February 17, 2025 — Audubon scientists developed a new framework to understand threats to migratory species and found that birds traversing the longest distances across the Americas are at highest risk, underscoring the need for coordinated hemispheric conservation efforts.
The Americas Flyways Initiative to begin implementation in January 2025
November 01, 2024 — The opportunity for transformational change to mobilize financing for biodiversity stands out at COP16.
Tracking Data Show Us One of North America's Most Epic Migrations
May 10, 2024 — Advancements in technology help conservationists protect Sandhill Cranes along their awe-inspiring journey.
This World Migratory Bird Day Grow Some Plants for Birds
May 09, 2024 — Native plants provide food and shelter that sustain birds during their epic migrations.
UN Report Finds Many Migratory Species in Existential Peril
March 14, 2024 — A majority of the migratory wildlife species at risk in first report of its kind are birds.
Science to Help Birds and Reduce Costs in the Colorado River Delta
January 22, 2024 — A new publication uses machine learning to optimize habitat restoration.
The Way Phainopeplas Breed and Migrate May Help Them Adapt to A Changing Climate
January 11, 2024 — Using tracking devices, Dan Baldassarre revealed key aspects of the "goth cardinal's" fascinating behavior.
How the Breeding Season Teaches Us More About Migratory Birds
August 23, 2023 — During the brief windows when migratory birds are busy breeding and relatively stationary, migration researchers leap into action to unravel the mysteries of their journeys.
A vibrant orange warbler with black streaks perches on a branch and sings.
Audubon Determines Method for Choosing the Best Places for Bird Conservation Efforts 
June 23, 2023 — A new study proposes a conservation methodology that incorporates factors such as habitat type, migratory routes, and interest and capacity from local communities.
Meet the Stragglers of Spring Migration
June 12, 2023 — There are a few bird species that are still finishing their spring migration. Use the Bird Migration Explorer to learn more about these tardy travelers.
Featured Migratory Birds in Audubon Field Guide
American White Pelican
! Priority Bird
Bald Eagle
Hawks and Eagles
Blackpoll Warbler
Wood Warblers
! Priority Bird
Black Skimmer
Gulls and Terns
Broad-winged Hawk
Hawks and Eagles
Eared Grebe
Golden Eagle
Hawks and Eagles
! Priority Bird
Long-billed Curlew
Painted Bunting
Cardinals, Grosbeaks and Buntings
Rufous Hummingbird
! Priority Bird
Wood Thrush