A boardwalk through a forest
Corkscrew Explore Habitats and Wildlife

Explore Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary

Visit our iconic boardwalk or sign up for a guided experience!

Welcome to our world-famous 2.25-mile boardwalk. As you move through the changing scenery, consider that this boardwalk shows visitors only a tiny fraction of the 13,000 acres we call Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary. 

The Sanctuary is a magnificent and expansive landscape that is home to thousands of species, a diverse tapestry of habitats, and the largest remaining stand of old-growth bald cypress trees in the world. These impressive trees, relatives of the redwood, tower 130 feet into the sky and some have a girth of 25 feet. Their massive branches are draped with mosses, lichens, bromeliads, and ferns. 

The Sanctuary is home to hundreds of alligators, otters, white-tailed deer, and red-bellied turtles. A wide variety of wading birds, songbirds, and raptors can be seen throughout the year, while the fabulous Painted Bunting is one of many winter visitors. 


Miles of Boardwalk
Bird Species Recorded
Estimated Age of Oldest Tree
Explore the Sanctuary
BYO Bike Backcountry Tour 2
BYO Bike Backcountry Tour
Guided night walk at Corkscrew.
Guided Night Tour
Sunset Stroll
Sunset Stroll