Corey Arnold

Birding Without Borders

Follow our intrepid correspondent as he sets a new Big Year world record.

Watch a 5-minute video of Noah's 2015 Big Year adventure:

Follow Along:

Day 361: Birding Singapore
December 27, 2015 — With help from a local, Noah birds the island city-state during an afternoon layover.
Day 360: Boxing Day
December 26, 2015 — With the help of a genius Sudoku player, the species list leaps ahead in Western Australia.
Day 359: Merry Christmas!
December 25, 2015 — Finding parrots under the tree on Christmas Day in the outback.
Day 358: Back to Oz
December 25, 2015 — Christmas Eve finds Noah in remote Western Australia, with a Christmas list of birds in hand.
Day 357: Say Goodbye to Kiwiland
December 23, 2015 — A day trip to a restored island sanctuary is filled with quirky, chatty birds.
The Audubon Bird Guide
Great Black-backed Gull
Gulls and Terns
! Priority Bird
Swainson's Hawk
Hawks and Eagles
House Finch
Golden-fronted Woodpecker