Audubon and its partners are still working to help the Gulf recover from the catastrophic 2010 oil spill.
BP Oil Spill
The Birds of British Petroleum
Five years after the largest marine oil spill in the history of the petroleum industry, the author of The Tarball Chronicles grabs his binoculars and returns to the scene of the slime.
Research calculates the cost of the largest marine oil spill in U.S. history.
Five years after the Gulf oil spill, justice is about to be served.
Island restoration is an investment in coastal Louisiana’s future. Here’s how it works.
Restoring the Gulf Coast
In a strange twist of fate, the biggest oil spill in U.S. history may end up saving the South’s wetlands and coastlines—if we make the right choices.
Dish detergent is the key ingredient, but the process takes more than suds.
The award-winning film The Great Invisible airs on PBS for the fifth anniversary of the largest spill in U.S. history.
The oil is trapped in sediment, but may trickle up the food chain.
Is the Gulf of Mexico a haven or a minefield for birds?
Five years after the BP oil spill, funds from the disaster will finally help restore Cat Island.
A BP-authored report claiming that the Gulf has recovered is inaccurate and insulting—here’s why.
The oil company is arguing that dropping oil prices will make it difficult for them to pay their impending fine.
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