Minneapolis artist Miranda Brandon gives victims of bird strikes new life.
September - October 2015
In this issue:
What happens when birds and buildings collide (above). The isolated wetlands where Whooping Cranes live, and the bizarre things humans do to raise these birds in captivity and then set them free in the wild. Not your grandmother's birding festival. E.O. Wilson at 86. Scientists' attempt to save a rare Hawaiian bird from extinction.
Read on for the full contents of our fall issue.
Can We Learn to Handle the Heat of Forest Fires?
With climate change turning up the temperature and the state in a four-year drought, wildfires are scorching California like never before. In the “nuke zone” scientists are looking for clues to how forests cope.
This year we've seen an absurd number of assaults on legislation and agencies that protects birds and their habitat.
How Scientists Could Save A Rare Hawaiian Bird From Extinction
It involves a whole lot of native plants—and a whole lot of optimism.
The famed naturalist's newest book, written from a retirement home, is a provocative and urgent call to save the planet, and its species.
A plan is in place to open the first commercial mine in Utah.
Here's the breakdown of how much time has been spent keeping the Greater Sage-Grouse off the Endangered Species List.
Open pipes kill thousands of birds out West every year.
A Bird's Eye View of Whooping Cranes' Isolated Wetlands
In Canada’s remote Wood Buffalo National Park, the endangered whooper continues its comeback—one (soggy) nest at a time.
Photographer Tom Lynn’s takes an intimate look at a Whooping Crane reintroduction program, from hatching to disguised human parenting to release.
Welcome to Warblerstock, Ohio's Grooviest Birding Festival
During spring migration, Magee Marsh braces itself for an all-out warbler (and birder) invasion.
Check out the winning skin art from this year's Biggest Week warbler fest.
Wood Thrushes Connect Bird Lovers Across Borders
A crowd-funded geotagging project helped researchers figure out where these birds spend their lives.
By rigging the Harvard Forest with cameras, sensors, and even hotter air, scientists can study the future.
Your opinions can lead to pivotal conversations about conservation.
We asked you to help Audubon act on climate threats to birds, and you did.