A mixed flock of birds in water.
Florida About

About Audubon Florida

Protecting birds and the places they need since 1900.
species of birds protected.
local, independent chapters engaged in grassroots conservation.

Audubon Florida works across the Sunshine State to protect and advocate for birds, special places, water quality, and more. We have successfully united the sanctuary management, ecosystem science, and environmental education programs of National Audubon Society with Audubon Florida's role as the state's leading voice for conservation. Together with a statewide network of grassroots chapters, Audubon Florida offers a compelling record of accomplishments and an even brighter promise for the protection of our state's great natural resources.

How We're Making a Difference
Least Tern and chick sitting on the sand.
Coastal Stewardship in Florida
Protecting sea, shore, and wading birds at more than 300 sites across Florida.
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Mixed flock of birds fly above the water, in front of an island
Florida Coastal Islands Sanctuaries
Protecting great colonial waterbird populations of the Florida coast, and the natural systems that ...
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A flamingo walks in the shallows
Everglades Science Center
Dedicated to long-term and cutting edge research in the Everglades. Monitoring Everglades ...
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A close up of a Florida Scrub-Jay with green in the background.
Jay Watch
Dedicated to protecting Florida Scrub-Jays, our state's only endemic bird species.
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Burrowing Owls in the grass
Wetland Evaluation Tool
Keeping water on the landscape.
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In the News
Priority Species
American Flamingo
! Priority Bird
Roseate Spoonbill
Ibises and Spoonbills
! Priority Bird
Black Skimmer
Gulls and Terns
! Priority Bird
Least Tern
Gulls and Terns
! Priority Bird
Wood Stork
Florida Scrub-Jay
Crows, Magpies, Jays
! Priority Bird
Grasshopper Sparrow
New World Sparrows
! Priority Bird
Bald Eagle
Hawks and Eagles