The Audubon network is protecting birds from collisions through Lights Out and bird-friendly glass.
Birds need the same resources we do in order to survive and thrive. They need a healthy environment, the right food, clean air, and clean water. When they warn us of impending danger, we listen. When birds don’t have what they need, people don’t either.
We exist because of people’s love for these beautiful feathered creatures and a desire to ensure that future generations can continue to enjoy them in their natural habitats. We work tirelessly to ensure that the places that birds need are protected for everyone’s sake.
For more than a century, we’ve preserved bird habitats, conducted scientific research, influenced policymakers to enact commonsense conservation laws, and engaged communities across the hemisphere to protect the natural resources upon which birds—and we—depend. Our hemispheric approach recognizes that the majority of bird species in the Americas migrate annually between Canada, the United States, Latin America, and the Caribbean. Our programs are like the birds—not bound by political boundaries and seamlessly integrated across the Western Hemisphere. We are working to halt, and ultimately reverse, the decline of bird populations across the Americas. Will you join us?
The Audubon network is protecting birds from collisions through Lights Out and bird-friendly glass.
Researchers, partners and volunteers work together to protect endangered shorebird.
For a decade Audubon California and partners have worked with farmers to delay harvests where the birds nest, solving what was once the biggest threat to the species.