Hummingbird Migration and Nature Celebration
Holly Springs, MS; September 11–13
Come meet the three-inch guests of honor at the Strawberry Plains Audubon Center’s annual festival, which also features other live animals as well as wagon rides, bird-banding demonstrations, and a keynote talk on “Why Birds Are Simply Awesome.”
More info: strawberryplains.audubon.org
Wild Mushrooms of Autumn
Huntington, VT; September 13
Fall in Vermont offers plenty of attractions you can take in all on your own. (Foliage! Northern Harriers! Cheese!) But you’re probably better off with a guide if you’d like to enjoy the state’s other autumn visitors: wild mushrooms. Head into the woods with Audubon Vermont’s resident expert forager, Ari Rockland-Miller, to scour tree stumps and the loamy forest floor for chubby porcini, yellowfoot chanterelles, and lion’s mane and hedgehog mushrooms.
More info: vt.audubon.org/events/wild-mushrooms-autumn
Backyard Wildlife Sanctuary Tour
Decatur, GA; September 19
Roam the historic streets of Decatur with the Atlanta Audubon Society and remember how people found design inspiration before Pinterest came along. Each stop on this tour highlights a property decked out with native plants, feeders, fountains, and shelters for wildlife. Audubon staff will be on hand to teach visitors about the area’s bird and butterfly species and explain the features of the sanctuary.
More info: atlantaaudubon.org/sanctuary-tour
Bridger Raptor Festival
Bozeman, MT; October 2–4
For raptor lovers, fall migration is the best migration. Every October the Montana Audubon Society and the Sacajawea Audubon Society band together with other conservation groups to celebrate the flight of Golden Eagles as they pass through the crests of Bridger Bowl. The festival features (free) walks, talks, and lessons on identifying and drawing birds.
More info: bridgerraptorfest.org/home
American Birding Expo 2015
Columbus, OH; October 2–4
You might want to bring your piggy bank to the inaugural version of this massive pop-up emporium, where you’ll be able to buy all manner of bird-related merchandise: optics, gear, art, cameras, backyard novelties, tour packages, and more. If you get tired of shopping, you can try the gourmet food trucks or the outdoor cornhole games. Or give your credit card a break and check out the migrant thrushes, warblers, and other birds along the trails at the Grange Insurance Audubon Center, where the event is hosted.
More info: americanbirdingexpo.com
Puget Sound Seabird Survey
Multiple locations in Washington State; training dates throughout September, with surveys every Saturday starting October 3
Scientists need your help to gather data on the health of Puget Sound’s seabird populations, which have declined during the past 50 years, possibly due to reduced prey or the loss of nesting grounds. For seven months dedicated volunteers from Olympia to Tacoma will conduct weekly surveys of Red-necked Grebes, White-winged Scoters, Marbled Murrelets, and dozens of other species. If you're interested in joining their ranks, contact Toby Ross at Seattle Audubon (tobyr@seattleaudubon.org).
More info: http://bit.ly/1cfccFo
Americas Latino Eco-Festival
Denver, CO; October 15–17
Denver is this year’s home for the world’s largest Latino green scene, sponsored in part by Audubon Rockies. The exhibits and events draw from the realms of art, history, food, science, and music to showcase the work that people of color have put into bettering the environment. Be sure to check out “Migrant Birds of the Americas,” an exhibit showcasing avian sculptures constructed entirely from urban trash.
More info: americaslatinoecofestival.org