As this issue of Audubon goes to press, the election is just wrapping up—with the exception of a couple of runoff elections like those for the Senate seats in Georgia. People are rising up to demand action on climate change and racial equity. And birds are telling us there is no time to lose. We need bold, equitable, and durable action on climate. That’s why Audubon’s 1.9 million members are helping to lead this movement. Rural and urban, progressive and conservative, Black college students and white grandparents all agree that everyone, regardless of race or ethnicity, should have equal access to clean air and water and feel safe and welcome in the outdoors.
The tone of the recent election season put a spotlight on the deep divisions in our nation. Audubon members are deeply troubled by the racist, sexist, and anti-LGBTQ rhetoric present in some campaigns. But Audubon members know there is a better way forward—one that lifts up all people and creates a healthier, more resilient world.
We have a long history as community builders and, because we are local everywhere, our membership reflects America. Our membership is 53 percent progressive and 47 percent moderate and conservative, and we have members in nearly every county in the United States.
In a recent survey of our membership, we found strong support across the political spectrum for action on environmental, climate, and community priorities, including:
- Nearly every Audubon member (94 percent) agrees that “every American, regardless of race or color, should have equal access to clean air and clean water.”
- More than 95 percent of all Audubon members—including 9 in 10 moderate and conservative members—report concern about issues like destruction of habitat for birds and other wildlife, air and water pollution, attacks on bedrock environmental laws, and oil drilling and mining on protected public lands.
- Three-quarters of all Audubon members rank climate change as one of their top three concerns among all issues facing the United States today.
Audubon is resolute in our ambition for inclusivity, our commitment to becoming an anti-racist organization, and our determination to address the disproportionate impact climate change and air and water pollution have on marginalized communities.
To that end, we will advocate for a more resilient and inclusive economy with more green jobs, for cleaner air, and for stronger communities that protect birds, conserve water, restore wetlands, and reduce emissions.
We look forward to working with elected officials to achieve this vision.
This piece originally ran in the Winter 2020 issue. To receive our print magazine, become a member by making a donation today.