Audubon en Espanol

Mangroves: Cradle of Coastal Biodiversity and Partners in the Fight against Climate Change
September 06, 2024 — Mangroves cover an impressive 46,284 square kilometers of the Americas. However, they remain undervalued despite their vital role: This vast mangrove landscape is a privileged habitat for biodiversity and a favored site for thousands of migratory and endemic birds.
Birds, the Best Ambassadors of Biodiversity
September 05, 2024 — A study by Audubon shows how the most important sites for the conservation of migratory, endemic and globally threatened birds in Colombia overlap 85% with important sites for water regulation.
Mangroves, much more than meeting points of land and sea
March 08, 2023 — During the 8th Our Ocean Conference, Audubon Americas, and Conservation International showcased two leading projects in Panama and Colombia, supported by the UK-Blue Carbon Fund, and administered by the Inter-American Development Bank.
Chile lanza su Estrategia Nacional para la Conservación de Aves
January 24, 2022 — Audubon Américas celebra esta importante Estrategia, trabajada en los últimos dos años en equipo con comunidades locales, ONG chilenas, academia, autoridades y entidades internacionales.
Audubon Nombra a Aurelio Ramos Vicepresidente Sénior del Programa de Alianzas Internacionales
December 02, 2019 — Ramos aporta a Audubon más de una década de experiencia en la región latinoamericana de The Nature Conservancy.