From Audubon Magazine

Want to Spice Up Your Birding Life? Go Camping
July 28, 2017 — Get to know unfamiliar bird behaviors, sounds, and species by spending entire days and nights with them. Here are a few of your options.
Windows into Another World: Take a Tour of Bird Blinds Across the Country
July 12, 2017 — What compels birders to hunker down in dark, often cramped structures? An intimate view of avian lives. But as with birds, every blind has its own character—and story.
In Chicago, Controlled Fires Are Helping to Restore Crucial Bird Habitat
July 07, 2017 — The burns, conducted by Audubon Great Lakes and others, stave off invasive plants while spurring new growth at sites across the region.
The 'Smart Nest Box' Provides a Peek Into the Secret Lives of Birds
July 07, 2017 — The high-tech nesting boxes catch feathered families on camera for science, education, and pure entertainment.
The 2017 Audubon Photography Awards: Top 100
July 07, 2017 — Explore the incredible pool of photographs our judges had to choose from, along with each image's backstory.
How Genetically Modified Mice Could One Day Save Island Birds
July 07, 2017 — CRISPR, a new gene-editing technology, has the potential to help scientists combat invasive predators. But is tinkering with nature worth the risk?
A Close Look at the Early (and Awkward) Days of Baby City Birds
July 06, 2017 — As captured by a New York City photographer and wildlife-rehab volunteer.
The Dovekie, a Keystone Arctic Species, Is Changing Its Diet With the Climate
July 06, 2017 — Feeding shifts are helping the seabird survive warming oceans and preserve a reliant tundra ecosystem—at least in the short term.
The Busy Life of Bob the Flamingo
July 06, 2017 — Once badly injured, the recovered bird now teaches residents of Curaçao about the importance of conservation.
Teddy or Not? How Ryan Zinke Is Failing American Conservation
July 06, 2017 — By falling short of his Rooseveltian rhetoric, the Interior Secretary is endangering his department's (and his self-proclaimed idol's) legacy.