
What to Consider When Buying Used Camera Equipment
June 29, 2017 — Itching for some gear but don’t want to shell out the dough for new products? Here’s how to purchase quality used gear.
Follow These Pro Tips for Photographing Shorebirds
May 26, 2017 — Lisa Franceski has spent eight years shadowing shorebird families at her local beach. Here, she offers her advice for catching intimate shots.
Why Baiting Owls Is Not the Same as Feeding Backyard Birds
May 11, 2017 — Some people question the difference between the two. There is a distinction—and the lives of birds depend on it.
How to Take Exquisite Hummingbird Photos
May 04, 2017 — Hummingbirds are excellent subjects for simple or high-tech techniques. Follow these pro tips for capturing the speedy birds in flight and at rest.
How to Master Migrant Warbler Photography
April 27, 2017 — Warblers aren't the most cooperative subjects, but they are one of the most beautiful and addictive. Follow this advice to best capture the elusive birds.
How to Photograph White Birds
April 20, 2017 — The brilliant white plumage of some birds can also show exquisite detail. Here are two tricks for capturing both in an image.
Dancing Beak to Beak: Tips for Photographing Avian Courtship
April 14, 2017 — Romantic avian rituals are as alluring for photographers as they are for birds. Here's what to watch for so that you can capture the moment.
Here's How to Prepare for a Bird Photography Trip
April 07, 2017 — To capture truly great shots, you need to go where the birds are. Follow these tips to make sure your excursion pays off.
Learn to Photograph Leks From an Expert
March 31, 2017 — The springtime dance battles of grouse and other species are irresistible camera fodder. Photographer Noppadol Paothong explains how to nail your shot without disturbing the delicate mating ritual.
See One of the World’s Coolest, Most Specialized Raptors in Action
March 27, 2017 — Snail Kite numbers in Florida dipped to a worrying low a decade ago. Since then, an influx of exotic snails has helped the endangered birds rebound.