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New Federal Report Confirms Ongoing Crisis for North American Birds
June 15, 2021 — New report should guide the conservation actions needed to bring birds back.
Audubon Report Shows That Important Bird Habitats are Key Natural Solutions to Climate Change
June 03, 2021 — Important ecosystems for birds can also store tens of millions of tons of carbon naturally if maintained and restored.
Making a Call for a More Inclusive Outdoors on Black Birders Week, and All Year Long
June 02, 2021 — Two bills being considered in Congress would help make outdoor spaces more inclusive by making access more equitable.
Ridgway's Rail in the Ciénega de Santa Clara, Colorado River Delta, Mexico. Claudio-Contreras Koob
Colorado River Water flows across U.S.-Mexico border through historic cooperation
June 01, 2021 — Binational Investments in Sustainable Colorado River Management Helps Farmers and Nature
Great Egret. Andres Leon/Audubon Photography Awards
National Audubon Society Statement of Union Neutrality
May 26, 2021 — As Audubon staff work to organize a union, Audubon management publicly commits to remaining neutral.
Lesser Prairie-Chicken. Brittany Meagher/Audubon Photography Awards
Endangered Species Listing for the Lesser Prairie-Chicken “is the right call”
May 26, 2021 — Adding the Lesser Prairie-Chicken to the Endangered Species List will not only help the bird, but the people who share its rangeland.
Common Murre. Mick Thompson
Biden Administration Opens California Coast to New Offshore Wind Turbine Siting
May 25, 2021 — “Properly sited wind power that avoid undue impacts to wildlife is an important ingredient in cutting carbon emissions and averting worst-case climate scenarios.”
Horned Lark. Evan Barrientos/Audubon Rockies
USDA Marks Progress on Climate-Smart Agriculture Following Biden Executive Order
May 20, 2021 — An initial report from the Department of Agriculture demonstrates a commitment to climate-friendly practices that will benefit people and wildlife.
Orchard Oriole. Brad Fields/Audubon Photography Awards
Melinda Cep Joins Audubon as Vice President of Natural Solutions and Working Lands
May 20, 2021 — In a new role for the organization, Cep will work across Audubon’s network to advance climate and conservation goals on working lands.
Andean Condor in Colombia, South America. Dorian Anderson
New Study Published on Bird Conservation and Climate Change Across the Americas
May 12, 2021 — Researchers examined the impacts of potential climate change scenarios on the network of Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas (IBAs) across the Caribbean, and Central and South America.