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New Legislation Would Protect Public Input and Hold Oil and Gas Drillers Accountable
September 21, 2020 — Two bills introduced by Sen. Michael Bennet (D-CO) increase accountability for oil and gas companies that walk away from their wells and ensure public oversight.
Administration Relaxes Rules for Oil and Gas Drilling in National Forests
August 31, 2020 — Proposed rule cuts the public out of oil and gas leasing decisions for National Forests.
Audubon Study Confirms Solar Is a Major Economic Driver in South Carolina
August 27, 2020 — Audubon South Carolina's newly commissioned report shows that the solar energy industry has a $1.5 billion impact in the state.
Converse County Oil and Gas Project Poses Serious Threats to Raptors, Sage-Grouse
August 25, 2020 — Conservation groups protest plan to build 5,000 new wells in critical wildlife habitat.
Lawsuit Fights Administration's Plan to Open 18 Million Acres of Western Arctic to Oil and Gas Drilling
August 25, 2020 — Environmental groups head to court to fight energy development plan that will damage pristine wilderness and critical habitat and deepen the climate crisis.
Senate Report Warns of Perils of Ignoring Science on Climate Change
August 25, 2020 — Senate Special Committee on the Climate Crisis calls for investing in a cleaner future in a post-COVID world
Audubon: “All-hands-on-deck to defend the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.”
August 24, 2020 — Audubon files federal lawsuit to stop the administration’s efforts to drill in the Refuge.
Louisiana Announces First-Ever Climate Goals
August 19, 2020 — Governor John Bel Edwards sets targets for reducing carbon emissions and establishes resilience strategies across state government.
Victory! Federal Judge Rules Administration’s Bird-Killing Policy is Illegal
August 11, 2020 — Today’s ruling makes it clear that the administration must halt its attempt to roll back the Migratory Bird Treaty Act.
Audubon Joins Coalition to Sue Administration Over Harmful NEPA Rules
August 06, 2020 — A broad coalition of justice and environmental groups are working together to fight changes that would gut 50 years of environmental protection.