Seas & Shores

A Tale of Two Fish
December 18, 2019 — Atlantic fisheries managers move to protect the little fish seabirds rely on.
Audubon Receives Grants to Make Our Coasts More Resilient to Climate Change
November 19, 2019 — Projects in North Carolina, New York and California will improve coastal wetlands for birds and people.
An Overheating Gulf of Maine Is Now Forcing Wildlife to Adapt—or Move
October 10, 2019 — Rapid warming in the Gulf of Maine is shifting the marine food web, putting already endangered Roseate Terns and their broods at even greater risk. Figuring out how to help these seabirds could point the way for safeguarding other species.
Climate Change is Already Affecting the Ocean and the Birds That Rely on It
September 25, 2019 — A new United Nations report details the triple-threat that climate change poses to the ocean and its wildlife.
New UN Report Documents Effects of Climate Change on Earth’s Oceans
September 25, 2019 — Report illustrates the need to protect the seabirds and other wildlife that depend on the earth’s best asset: the ocean.
Audubon Goes to Court to Defend Seabird Winter Home
June 06, 2019 — Audubon’s Seabird Science was Instrumental in Creating Northeast Canyons and Seamounts Monument.
Infrastructure Can and Should Be Clean and Sustainable
May 17, 2019 — Natural infrastructure is the cleanest, cheapest way to protect birds and people from some of the harmful effects of the changing climate.
A New Wave of Advocates Arrives in Washington
May 07, 2019 — At a recent fly-in event, Audubon volunteers challenge Congress to save seabirds.
One Person’s Leftovers Are Another Person’s Treasure
November 09, 2018 — Extra sand is an outcome of all dredging projects, and Audubon wants to use it to rebuild a vital nesting island in South Carolina.
Where Do Maine's Atlantic Puffins Go for the Winter?
February 12, 2016 — Audubon scientists tracked breeding puffins from Maine to finally learn where they pass the colder months—in a maze of underwater canyons and mountains southeast of Massachusetts.