
Observing Heron Nesting a Welcome Distraction
April 23, 2020 — Keeping an eye on a nest during this pandemic.
Western Rivers Bird Count Cancelled Until Next Year
April 22, 2020 — Surveys over last two years significantly increase bird data at key sites.
Colorado Legislature Votes to Expand Key Instream Flow Program
March 04, 2020 — Audubon—along with many stakeholders—advocated for the changes that are good for people, rivers, and birds.
UPDATE: Spring is for the Birds...and Birders (Cancellations and other Information)
March 02, 2020 — Celebrate migration and great basin birds at a festival this spring.
Arizona Legislators, Western Rivers Action Network Discuss Water Security
February 21, 2020 — After helping pass landmark legislation last year, Audubon and its partners focus on prioritizing water and birds at annual advocacy day.
UPDATE: New Federal Rule Reduces Protections for Water in the West, Harming People and Birds
January 23, 2020 — The Trump Administration’s revised Waters of the United States rule shrinks the number of waterways protected under the Clean Water Act.
Prioritizing Water Security for Arizona’s Birds and People
January 15, 2020 — A policy preview of the 2020 legislative session.
Building a Positive Water Future: Western Water Highlights in 2019
December 17, 2019 — By protecting water resources, Audubon worked to protect people and birds in the arid West.
Audubon Secures Important Water Right That Supports Birds and People
November 25, 2019 — How in-stream flow benefits rivers and habitat in New Mexico.
Proposed Bear River Development Would Be Detrimental to People and Birds
November 20, 2019 — The future of Great Salt Lake and Bear River Bay depend on adequate long-term flows from Bear River, the largest single source of flows to the lake.