Audubon Applauds Governor Rick Scott’s Decision to Reappoint Sandy Batchelor to the SFWMD

Audubon Florida applauds Governor Rick Scott for reappointing Sandy Batchelor to the Governing Board of the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD).

“During her service Sandy has always put the Everglades first,” said Audubon Florida Executive Director Eric Draper, adding, “She does her homework, is careful with tax dollars, and shows up to make the right decisions. Governor Scott made the right call.”

Ms. Batchelor is Chairwoman and co-CEO of the Batchelor Foundation in Miami Beach. Her service on the Governing Board gives valuable representation to Miami-Dade County as both an area within the greater ecosystem and as a key economic driver of the state. If confirmed by the Florida Senate, Ms. Batchelor’s term will extend from August 21, 2012 to March, 2016.

Congratulations to Ms. Batchelor. Audubon Florida staff looks forward to another 4 years of working together to make progress on Everglades restoration.
