
Good News for Puffins in the Northeast
November 08, 2018 — Federal Judge Protects Northeast Canyons and Seamounts Marine National Monument
Photo of two American Oystercatchers on the beach.
Audubon Releases One-Month Hurricane Florence Damage Assessment Report
November 08, 2018
Audubon Nebraska Fighting to Keep the Platte River Flowing
October 11, 2018
The Bald Eagle and the Endangered Species Act—an American Success Story
August 13, 2018 — This month marks the 11th anniversary of the Bald Eagle’s removal from the Endangered Species List.
New Proposals Could Significantly Weaken the Endangered Species Act
August 09, 2018
Birds in Peril With a Proposed Dam on Mississippi’s Pearl River
August 09, 2018
Carbon Pricing Bill Is a Bold Step Forward
July 19, 2018 — The Market Choice Act marks an important opportunity to advance the conversation on climate solutions.
Close up photo of a Greater Sage-Grouse.
Congress Considers Major Bills this Month Impacting Key Audubon Priorities
July 14, 2018
As MBTA Turns 100, Audubon Defends the Law in Court and in Congress
July 14, 2018
After 100 Years, Widespread Support Affirms the Migratory Bird Treaty Act
July 03, 2018 — The current administration is interpreting the bird-protection law in a wildly unpopular way. Here's what Audubon is doing about it.