
American Avocets
Saline Lakes and Great Salt Lake in the News
August 18, 2017 — Your guide to the latest news from Audubon's Saline Lakes program
Cover of the 2017 State of the Birds Report
The State of the Birds 2017: Farm Bill Special Report
August 10, 2017
Photo of an American Bittern eating an aquatic insect. Credit: Glenn Hemberger/Audubon Photography Awards
Rolling Back Protections for Streams and Wetlands
July 13, 2017
Yellow-billed Loon. Photo: Ryan Askren/USGS
Ocean and Coastal Habitat at Risk from Proposed New Offshore Drilling
July 13, 2017
Shrinking Bears Ears Would Be Shortsighted and a Mistake
July 11, 2017 — With the review process for 27 of our national monuments officially closed, a letter from Audubon's president and CEO.
Greater Sage-Grouse. Photo: Vida Ward/Audubon Photography Awards
New Review Puts Sage-Grouse Conservation Plans at Risk
June 08, 2017
Yellow-billed Loon. Photo: Ryan Askren/USGS
Vital Arctic Habitat in Jeopardy
June 08, 2017 — Administration Targets Arctic Refuge, and Western Arctic, for Oil Drilling