
Getting the Tricolored Blackbird on the Endangered Species List
February 06, 2015 — A new petition calls for Federal-level protections for the imperiled bird.
Obama Administration Eyes East Coast for Offshore Drilling
February 02, 2015 — The president’s new exploration plan leaves the Atlantic, Arctic, and Gulf of Mexico open to intrusion.
Christopher Schmidt
How Will Drones Affect Birds?
February 02, 2015 — We know birds enthusiastically attack drones. Here’s a guide to everything else about their relationship.
Lesser Prairie Chicken
The Lesser Prairie-Chicken Dodges a Bullet
January 30, 2015 — An attempt to delist the Lesser Prairie-Chicken from the Endangered Species Act failed to pass in the Senate.
Saving the Everglades
January 28, 2015 — Collaborating with diverse stakeholders to yield conservation gains.
Western Rivers Action Network
January 28, 2015 — Protecting the Colorado River basin.
Obama Moves to Protect 12 Million Alaskan Acres as Wilderness
January 27, 2015 — The designation would further protect the area from drilling, and provide habitat for birds.
What’s Actually Going On At Davos?
January 27, 2015 — The plush annual meeting in which leaders, activists, and celebrities talk big solutions over $50 hot dogs.
A Very Bad Plan
January 23, 2015 — The Nicaraguan government, in league with a Chinese company, wants to dredge an 800-foot-wide canal through one of the world’s richest, most biodiverse regions, connecting the Pacific and the Caribbean. What could possibly go wrong?
BP Begs for Lower Fine for Deepwater Horizon
January 22, 2015 — The oil company is arguing that dropping oil prices will make it difficult for them to pay their impending fine.