
Biden Administration Invests in Strong Leadership for Climate Team
December 17, 2020
A New Take for the Trillion Trees Act
December 09, 2020 — Senate version of bill preserves environmental protections while supporting forests.
New 'Trillion Trees' Bill in Senate will Protect Birds While Making Progress on Climate Change
December 09, 2020 — An alternative to earlier legislation from the House, the new bill supports natural solutions to climate change while preserving environmental protections.
House Energy Legislation Provides Promising Opportunities for a Cleaner Future for Birds and People
September 24, 2020 — The package, which was voted on during National Clean Energy Week, supports a variety of energy and environmental justice bills
A Wood Stork foraging in shallow water at sunset
Mississippi's Big Sunflower River Named #3 on 2020 America’s Most Endangered List
August 13, 2020
Long-Awaited House Report Provides Blueprint for Congress on Climate Change
June 30, 2020 — House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis offers guidance for rebuilding a cleaner future in the wake of COVID-19
A Whirlwind of Policy News You May Have Missed
June 12, 2020 — We're making progress on climate solutions in Congress and challenging new attacks by the administration.
A New Federal Bill Would Empower Farmers, Ranchers, and Foresters in the Fight Against Climate Change
June 04, 2020 — Providing farmers, ranchers, and forest landowners with incentives to capture and store greenhouse gases will help rural economies, fight climate change, and improve habitat for birds.
Bipartisan Bill Will Help Cut Pollution While Helping Farmers, Foresters, and Wildlife
June 04, 2020 — The legislation helps the agriculture and forestry industries naturally remove carbon from the atmosphere, creating a cleaner future for birds and people.
Little Blue Herons.
Mississippi: Massive Project to Drain Mississippi Flyway Wetlands Threatens 250+ Bird Species
May 14, 2020