Audubon in Action

Why Louisiana’s Barrier Islands Are Essential to Seabird and Human Survival
April 20, 2016 — Island restoration is an investment in coastal Louisiana’s future. Here’s how it works.
How a Greener Church Benefits People and the Planet
April 15, 2016 — In Illinois, the nonprofit Faith in Place is spreading the environmental gospel to churches, synagogues, temples, and mosques.
Can Solar Plants Make Good Bird Habitat?
April 06, 2016 — A proposed state law could turn Minnesota's solar gardens into actual gardens for native birds and pollinators.
What One Success Story Reveals About Talking to Politicians on Birds and Climate
April 01, 2016 — A California volunteer is building bridges with her legislator on climate change and birds, even if they might not agree on every issue.
How One Audubon Chapter Found Its Fountain Of Youth
March 30, 2016 — The song of a Carolina Wren makes this homecoming in the Ozarks all the sweeter.
Mr. Ringer Goes To Washington
March 25, 2016 — With D.C. Audubon, there's birding, conservation, and of course, Bald Eagles galore.
Why Counting Piping Plovers in the Bahamas Is Harder Than It Sounds
March 24, 2016 — Plovers are one of the tiniest shorebirds—and taking a census of them is one giant feat.
How Birding Can Lead To Climate Action
March 18, 2016 — Monica Bryand uses her kayak and camera to explore the climate-threatened birds of Minnesota and share this issue with new audiences.
Sagebrush Songbirds Sing Praise For Esri Technology
March 17, 2016 — Collaborative efforts prove that conservation and technology can go hand-in-hand to help birds.
The Love Of Birds Knows No Language
March 02, 2016 —’s complete bird guide is now available in Spanish. Field editor Kenn Kaufman reflects on why that’s important.