1) I click the CONTINUE button on the first page of the entry form and get no response.
Every field on the form that includes an asterisk (*) is required. You’ll want to double check that you filled out every field where an answer is required. Check that you’ve selected a category (Adult or Youth), email address, etc. If that doesn’t resolve the problem, try using a different browser (Chrome, Safari, Firefox, etc.). If that still doesn’t work, please take a screenshot of the error message and contact the Contest Help Desk here.
2) I'm trying to enter the contest, but I get an input error.
Double check that you chose your category at the top of the page (Adult or Youth). If that doesn’t resolve the problem, try using a different browser (Chrome, Safari, Firefox, etc.). And if that still doesn’t work, please take a screenshot of the error message and contact the Contest Help Desk here.
3) I haven’t received an email confirmation.
It could be possible that your internet domain is blocking your confirmation email.
Blocked domains include:
If you want to make sure your submission was finalized please contact the Contest Help Desk here and write “No confirmation email” for question 5 (“Please explain the problem or question.”).
4) When I upload my entry the file name appears in the box but no image appears. What’s wrong?
This is normal. For some images the preview/thumbnail image will not generate, while for other images the thumbnail image will display with no issues. This should not be a cause for concern and does not necessarily mean that your entry will be impacted. If you receive an error during the upload process, please take a screenshot of the error message and contact the Contest Help Desk here.
5) I was charged more than one time for the same photo. How can I ask for a refund?
Sorry about that! Please contact the Contest Help Desk here and write “Charged multiple times” for question 5 (“Please explain the problem or question”).
6) I am having a problem with my email address being accepted on the entry form.
There's no reason that the form shouldn't accept your email address as long as you are using standard email address formatting (xxxxx@xxxx.com). You might try a few things to resolve the problem: 1) Make sure that the email address you’ve entered is identical across both the “Entrant Email” field and the subsequent email confirmation field. 2) Try using a different browser: Chrome, Safari, Firefox, etc. 3) Make sure that you've selected a category (Adult, Youth) from the bulleted list above where you enter personal information. 4) Try to refresh the page and enter the values again.
7) How do I get back to my partially completed entry?
Each browser session on the Contest website should remain active for approximately two hours as long as your browser is setup to save site cookies. If you allow the session to extend past those two hours without submitting the photos or videos, it is likely that the information you have entered will be lost and cannot be retrieved.
Additionally, please do not use the browser “Back” button to navigate between pages on the Contest website. Each page after the first page of the site has a button designated for toggling back to the previous page (labeled “Back to Modify”). Clicking the browser “Back” button from any page on the Contest website may take you back to your browser home page or to the website you visited before coming to the Contest website. If you do click the browser “Back” button, you can simply click the browser “Forward” button and return to the Contest website with all the information you’ve entered still preserved on the form (as long as your browser saves site cookies.)
If the problem persists, please take a screenshot of the error message and contact the Contest Help Desk here.
8) Can I “edit” the description section on one of my photos?
Once you've submitted your entries, you can't edit the information. However, if your photo is chosen as a finalist, you will have the opportunity to provide more information about when and where it was taken.
9) I would like to add another photo to my entry after submitting. How do I go about doing that?"
If you've already submitted an entry, you may simply start the process anew and submit another entry with a new photo.
10) I prematurely/accidentally submitted a photo. Can I edit a photo after it’s been submitted, or receive a refund for my original submission (and resubmit it)?
Unfortunately, photos that have already been submitted cannot be edited or replaced. Once you’re ready, please resubmit the photo you wish to enter into the competition. We cannot reimburse your initial entry fee.
11) How do I access the discount code?
The discount code can be used by student members of established Audubon on Campus chapters and by Audubon on Campus program ambassadors. The discount code will be shared in the Audubon on Campus newsletter. Learn more about Audubon's Audubon on Campus program here.
12) I clicked the web browser “Back” button, and I lost the data I entered on the form.
Please do not use the browser “Back” button to navigate between pages on the Contest website. Each page after the first page of the site has a button designated for toggling back to the previous page (labeled “Back to Modify”).
Clicking the browser “Back” button from any page on the Contest website may take you back to your browser home page or to the website you visited before coming to the Contest website. If you do click the browser “Back” button, you can simply click the browser “Forward” button and return to the Contest website with all the information you’ve entered still preserved on the form (as long as your browser saves site cookies.)
If the problem persists, please take a screenshot of the error message and contact the Contest Help Desk here.