
Are These Quirky Comics Launching a New Generation of Bird Enthusiasts?
September 18, 2018 — From an anxious pigeon to philosophical sparrows, birds star in several popular Instagram comics that explore life's ups and downs.
How Starlings Spoke for the Gods in Ancient Rome
September 10, 2018 — Religious leaders interpreted the shapes of these birds' murmurations to see if the gods gave, or withheld, their approval.
A Biologist's Bittersweet Return to See the Birds She Helped Save
September 07, 2018 — Alisa Esposito made it her mission to protect Purple Martins from deadly collisions on a North Carolina bridge. When personal tragedy struck, the birds helped her through the ordeal.
The Surprising Connection Between the Kirtland's Warbler and the Birding World's Most Famous Murderer
September 07, 2018 — This 90-year-old specimen at the Chicago Field Museum seems like any other—until you learn its twisted backstory.
¿Comó se llama? How Birds Get Their Spanish Names
August 31, 2018 — Bilingual birding can offer a deeper understanding of the species we seek, while also helping to bridge communities across the Americas.
How Birds Gave Japanese Prisoners Wings
August 15, 2018 — More than 75 years after the U.S. government incarcerated 120,000 people, a Japanese American collects stories from survivors and descendants.
A World Without Beavers Is a World Without Wildlife We Love
August 02, 2018 — The buck-toothed mammals are the best ecosystem engineers nature has to offer. Ben Goldfarb's exhaustive new book explains why.
Seven Birdy Books for Kids (and the Kid Inside of You)
July 30, 2018 — Summer is prime time to share the thrills of outdoor exploration with young ones.
The Birds Are Watching: Jenny Kendler's Storm King Installation Sends a Message
July 26, 2018 — Inspired by Audubon science, the new outdoor artwork features the eyes of 100 bird species threatened by climate change.
‘Let’s Go Birding Together’ Creates a Dedicated Space for LGBTQ Bird Lovers
July 10, 2018 — It's more than a bird walk: It's an inclusive experience for anyone who wants to connect to birds, the natural world, and others in a positive way.