Over the past several years, Guyana has been working to boost ecotourism, and I’m one of several who have been invited to check it out. So, in addition to birdwatching, I’ll be checking out the food and the accommodations. I thought that I would be roughing it in the Guyanan back-country, but one of the tour participants is an expert in luxury travel, so my expectations have risen greatly!
Like most tropical countries, Guyana hosts numerous colorful birds (plus many drabber ones that are going to be a pain in the neck to identify). Just to whet your (my) appetite, the following 12 birds were picked by participants as their favorites among more than 350 species seen on a recent tour:
1. Guianan Cock-of-the-Rock
2. Rufous-winged Ground-Cuckoo
3. Sun Parakeet
4. Crimson Fruitcrow
5. Crimson Topaz
6. Crestless Curassow
7. White-winged Potoo
8. Pompadour Cotinga
9. Capuchinbird
10. Spotted Antpitta
11. Red-fan Parrot
12. White-plumed Antbird
I will attempt to blog regularly about my favorite birds and experiences, but I’ll be fighting the other tour participants for time on a single computer per eco-lodge, so I promise to be short!