How do you submit your Climate Watch data to Audubon? There is more than one way to record data for the Climate Watch program (refer to this reference document for detailed descriptions of each method). Click on your preferred data collection method below to find instructions on how to submit your data.
Pick one of the following options that works best for you:
Use or the eBird mobile app to record your Climate Watch survey checklists. Then log on to the web version of eBird (do not use the mobile app for this step), copy the checklist ID of each checklist, and submit your checklist info through Audubon's portal. A video showing how to use the portal can be viewed here.
Use Audubon’s mobile app to record observations of your Climate Watch target species. First make sure you are running the mobile app version 6.5.1 or higher. To access this form within the app, tap on "My Audubon" and you will see the option to create a Climate Watch checklist at the bottom of the list. Once you have saved your checklists through the app, Audubon has the data and you are done. Note that the Audubon app's Climate Watch checklist capability is available only during the count period, so do not delay on submitting your data this way. You can view a video on how to create, edit or delete a Climate Watch checklist in the app here. Note that checklists can only be created and edited during the 30-day Climate Watch survey period.
If you do not have a smartphone, you can submit observations of your Climate Watch target species on the web here: Once you submit your 12 checklists per square (submit one form for each checklist), Audubon has the data and you are done. Note that there is no ability to edit a Climate Watch checklist through this option and no email receipt is provided.
Note: Paper forms for use in the field are available here. Once you have completed these forms, please only submit your data through the option listed in #3 above or enter into eBird and then submit through the portal in #2 above.
Thank you for participating in Climate Watch and for submitting your data to us.