Please help support Audubon Connecticut through the Community Foundation for Greater New Haven’s Great Give on-line giving event!
To take part in this 36-hour Campaign, make your tax-deductible donation from May 6, 8:00 am - May 7, 8:00 pm and say yes to your trusted force for conservation – Audubon Connecticut. If you make a gift of $25 or more to the Great Give, it will put us in the running for matching funds from the Community Foundation. Please click here to make your donation now!
As a leader in conservation and place-based nature education, Audubon Connecticut is working with a large coalition of partners to create urban oases for wildlife that also serve as community learning places in parks, schoolyards, private lands and vacant lots throughout New Haven. Local neighborhood groups restore habitat and collect vital citizen science data. Teachers learn to use their schoolyards as outdoor living laboratories, and underserved students are mentored by conservation professionals and provided green job opportunities. Audubon’s advocacy team is promoting policies that safeguard New Haven’s critical habitats, improve water quality and restore the health of Long Island Sound. And our science and conservation team is identifying, protecting and stewarding the most critical habitats for endangered bird species that call New Haven home.
We’ve protected birds and their habitat for the past hundred years, and with your support through the Community Foundation's Great Give Campaign, we can continue to secure their future for a hundred more.