
Confirmed: Two Endangered Seabirds Have Been Rediscovered on Oahu
February 01, 2019 — Thought to be extinct on the Hawaiian Island for centuries, Newell's Shearwaters and Hawaiian Petrels were found using acoustic monitoring.
Meet the Heart and Soul of America's Oldest and Largest Bird Count
January 25, 2019 — Geoff LeBaron has led Audubon's Christmas Bird Count for the last 32 years, long before crowdsourcing scientific data was in fashion.
Impending Wall Construction Looms Over Bird Count at U.S.-Mexico Border
January 22, 2019 — For 60 years, birders have spent a winter day tallying birds at this unique ecological crossroads where work on the barrier will begin in February.
EPA Says Limiting Mercury Pollution From Power Plants Is No Longer ‘Appropriate and Necessary’
January 18, 2019 — To justify its position, the agency is choosing to blatantly disregard the health impact to humans and wildlife, critics warn.
Watch a Black Heron Fool Fish by Turning Into an Umbrella
January 17, 2019 — The behavior, called canopy feeding, is an especially effective way to hunt.
What's Up With the Weird Mouths of These Finch Chicks?
January 08, 2019 — Coming in many shapes, colors, and sizes, strange mouth markings might aid in chick survival.
Plastic Threatens Even Our Common Shorebirds, Study Warns
December 21, 2018 — Dead American Oystercatchers on Brazilian beaches were loaded with plastic, hinting that the world’s pollution problem isn’t just far out at sea.
How Well Do We Really Know Cardinals?
December 20, 2018 — New research provides support for splitting the Northern Cardinal into multiple species.
How Many Birds Disappear Between Migration Seasons? We Now Have a Clue.
December 20, 2018 — New research has found that a third of the avian population that winters in the mainland United States might not survive till spring. But why?
Are Starlings the Key to Making Guam's Forests Sing Again?
December 19, 2018 — Decades after the brown tree snake wiped out Guam’s birds, biologists have an ambitious plan to bring native species back to the stunning island.