
Swamp Sparrows Have Been Singing the Same Tune for Centuries
June 26, 2018 — By memorizing the common local language and sifting out the rest, young sparrows choose tradition over variance.
Why Some Songbirds Kick Their Chicks Out Before They Can Fly
June 22, 2018 — A new study finds that nest type plays a big role in how long young birds can live at home.
Hummingbird Gorgets: Jewels of the Sky
June 14, 2018 — The glittering, colorful feathers on the throats of male hummingbirds help them attract mates and defend territory. Here's how they work, up-close.
What Decides Clutch Size?
June 11, 2018 — Most birds lay a predictable number of eggs, but why?
Is It Okay to Remove Cowbird Eggs From Host Nests?
June 06, 2018 — It can be tempting to interfere with these brood parasites. But there are many reasons—legal and behavioral—to leave tampering to the pros.
Neat! Stick Insect Eggs Can Survive Being Eaten by Birds
June 05, 2018 — An extra-hard shell gives each egg a better chance of making it through a bulbul's gut—and hatching on the other side.
How Makeshift Stereos Could Help an Endangered Warbler Find a New Home
May 25, 2018 — A unique experiment aims to lure Kirtland's Warblers to habitat hundreds of miles away from their typical haunts. It's working better than expected.
How Birds Survived the Asteroid Impact That Wiped Out the Dinosaurs
May 24, 2018 — Today’s great diversity of tree-dwelling birds can be traced back to small ground birds that survived global forest destruction.
Could Alaska's Songbirds Defend Themselves If Cuckoos Invade?
May 23, 2018 — Using 3D-printed "cuckoo" eggs, researchers found that native birds will be in big trouble if the foreign nest parasites ever colonize.
More Birds Rely on Special Molting Locations Than We Realized
May 18, 2018 — New research shows that many North American songbirds log extra miles to refresh their feathers before migrating.