
Ecologists Bested by Drone in a Competition to Count Birds
February 16, 2018 — A novel experiment pitted a drone against experienced wildlife spotters to estimate the size of faux flocks. Despite the results, some ornithologists are wary of the new technology.
A Lifetime of Hammering Trees Might Affect Woodpecker Brains After All
February 09, 2018 — A new study into the woodpecker brain shows proteins linked to CTE in football players, but it’s unclear whether birds suffer the same fate
For Birds, a Steady Head Is the Key to Incredible Focus
February 06, 2018 — A recent video of a hunting kingfisher demonstrates how birds are uniquely adapted to stabilize their gaze.
How Vultures Can Eat Rotten Meat Without Getting Sick
February 05, 2018 — As nature's clean-up crew, these birds have developed a potent set of adaptations to consume carrion.
Birds-of-Paradise Have Feathers That Act Like Black Holes
February 02, 2018 — Males of this glamorous species use their "super-black" plumage to trap light and entrance interested ladies.
Who Wins the Feeder War?
February 01, 2018 — When it's time to eat, research shows there's a pecking order—and the winners aren't always who you'd think.
This Newly Discovered Dino-Bird Sported Flashy, Iridescent Feathers
January 23, 2018 — A Chinese fossil suggests that some feathered dinosaurs flaunted glamorous getups to rival the colorful displays of modern birds.
Birds Have Built-In Goggles
January 22, 2018 — A third eyelid provides the extra protection needed to fly and hunt.
The Bomb Cyclone Forced Hundreds of Killdeers to Bermuda
January 17, 2018 — The birds typically stay on the U.S. mainland all winter, but this month's extreme weather resulted in an influx of visitors to the island.
Albatross Populations Suffer a Double Whammy of Human Activity
January 09, 2018 — Climate change and bycatch are creating a ‘toxic cocktail’ for seabirds on an Antarctic island.