
In the Arid West, Protecting Oases Vital to Birds Requires Creative Solutions
July 05, 2017 — Like people, birds depend on water, relying on it during migration, breeding, and nesting. But increasing pressures on already scarce Western waters have put birds and other wildlife in a perilous situation.
After Binging in Colombia, Thrushes Can Fly Non-Stop to Canada in Mere Days
July 05, 2017 — Taking multiple refueling breaks helps some birds fare better during migration. But for Gray-cheeked thrushes, a two-week binge session in Colombia can be all they need to reach North America.
Hornby’s Storm-Petrels Have Found a Home in the Driest Place on the Planet
June 23, 2017 — In Chile, a group of volunteer birders found the first-ever recorded nests of this mysterious bird 46 miles away from the coast in the Atacama Desert.
In Search of the Gray-headed Chickadee, the Most Mysterious Bird in the U.S.
June 21, 2017 — Audubon’s chief scientist recounts his trek to the threatened Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, one of the last havens for one of the rarest birds in North America.
Uh, What Is This Flamingo Doing?
June 16, 2017 — No, really, what's going on here?
See an Ancient Baby Bird Beautifully Encased in Amber
June 12, 2017 — The remarkably preserved fledgling, a member of the extinct enantiornithine group, provides new clues into the lives of Mesozoic birds.
How Flamingos Stand on One Leg Without Falling Over
May 27, 2017 — New research shows that the birds are specially built for balancing.
Did Folklore Help Bring Denmark's Ravens Back From the Brink?
May 26, 2017 — The once-endangered raven is rebounding in some parts of Scandinavia, and its role in Norse mythology and Danish history might have helped.
Scientists Pinpoint the Secret Password That Unlocks Cowbirds' Self-Identity
May 16, 2017 — The mystery of how Brown-headed Cowbirds—which are raised by members of other species—learn to see themselves as cowbirds has finally been solved. The answer lies deep in the brain.
It’s True, Some North American Birds Can’t Keep Up With Shifting Spring Blooms
May 16, 2017 — As climate change makes the seasons less predictable, one in five studied species are struggling to time their migrations with the greenery.