
Researchers Identify the Hormone That Tells Migratory Birds to Stop Eating and Keep Moving
February 17, 2017 — According to a new study, the same hormone that signals to humans we've eaten our fill triggers migrating birds to continue their trek.
In a Hotter World, Desert Birds Will Face a Much Higher Risk of Dehydration
February 13, 2017 — As the climate changes, desert-dwelling birds are going to need more oases than ever to stay cool and hydrated, according to a new study.
Birding Bucket List: See Millions of Short-tailed Shearwaters Amass at Unimak Pass
February 13, 2017 — Every summer, the birds flock in staggering numbers to feast in the food-rich waters around the Aleutian Islands.
How Crossbills and Other Birds Are Rewriting the Rules of Evolution
February 10, 2017 — A possible new crossbill species is the latest example of how genetic research is giving us surprising insights into the ways animals evolve.
How a Kingfisher's Call Concealed an Unknown Species of Frog
February 08, 2017 — In India, a group of herpetologists recently discovered a new amphibian that sounds a lot like a White-throated Kingfisher.
A Beak Boom Millions of Years Ago Created the Diversity of Bird Bills We Know Today
February 02, 2017 — The variety of fantastic bill shapes we know today first came about in a sudden burst, and then slowly evolved over the next 65 million years, according to a new study.
How Lasers Are Revealing Hidden Evolutionary Clues in Ancient Bird Fossils
January 31, 2017 — Using a special lighting technique, researchers have already made several surprising discoveries about one early species of feathered dinosaur.
Uh-Oh: A Little-Known Impact of Climate Change Boosts Mercury in Food Chains
January 27, 2017 — Mercury wreaks havoc on birds—and climate change may make it more common in some coastal food webs, according to a new study.
Possible Ivory-Billed Woodpecker Footage Breathes Life Into Extinction Debate
January 25, 2017 — After searching for hundreds of hours and analyzing new evidence, a scientist has little doubt that the bird still exists. But does the jury agree?
How and Why Rock Pigeons Clap Their Wings
January 23, 2017 — Short-eared Owls do it, too.