You might want to start planning your World Environment Day now. “Didn’t that happen in April?” you might ask. Nope, that’s Earth Day. World Environment Day, which will be celebrated on June 5, was started by the United Nations to raise awareness about the plight of our planet.
The situation could not be more dire, according to a new non-profit film “Home” by Yann Arthus-Bertrand. Shot in more than 50 countries, the film will be released on World Environment Day simultaneously on TV [National Geographic Channel], YouTube and in theaters.
The filmmakers hope the aerial shots of more than 120 locations will inspire people to learn more about the problems that plague Earth and its inhabitants, from biodiversity loss to poverty, and then take action.
If you want to take action before June 5, you can use Twitter to help the UN plant trees. If a movie theater is not your style, you can also attend festivals that are happening all around the globe. And if want some inspiration right now, read about one of the UN’s 2009 Climate Heroes, Roz Savage.