All Bird and Conservation News


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North America Has Lost More Than 1 in 4 Birds in Last 50 Years, New Study Says
September 19, 2019 — For the first time, researchers have estimated the volume of total avian loss in the Western Hemisphere—and it’s not just threatened species that are declining. Many backyard favorites are also losing ground.
Reintroduced Hawaiian Crows Are Learning How to Live in the Wild
September 18, 2019 — Extinct in their natural habitat for two decades, a small population of ‘Alalā are starting to forage, mate, and nest on their own.
Final Plan for Arctic Refuge Drilling Could Cause Extinctions, Admits Government
September 17, 2019 — The decision to open the refuge's entire coastal plain to development, combined with climate change, 'may result in extinction' for some birds.
The Clever Way Green Herons Lure Prey
September 16, 2019 — Watch carefully the next time you spot this secretive wader hunting.
Steve Kress, the Trailblazer of Seabird Conservation, Proved All His Critics Wrong
September 13, 2019 — In his twenties the ornithologist had an audacious idea: to restore puffins to the Maine coast. Upon his retirement he reflects on how he pulled it off.
A Widespread Pesticide Causes Weight Loss and Delayed Migration in Songbirds
September 12, 2019 — A new study on wild sparrows found that one of the most widely used neonicotinoid pesticides puts bird populations at risk.
The Amazon's Blazing Fires Are Squeezing Habitat for Imperiled Birds
September 09, 2019 — The fires are not natural to the ecosystem—and add fuel to mounting threats that birds already face in the region.
Sage-Grouse Experts Sound the Alarm Over Plunging Population
September 05, 2019 — New data show the imperiled bird’s numbers in a nosedive as the federal government continues to ease protections and sell off habitat.
Ask Kenn Kaufman: Why Do So Many White Birds Have Black Wingtips?
September 04, 2019 — Also this month: Are kingfishers more photo-friendly this time of year? And what bird would Kenn ride if he could?
New Zealand Once Had Giant Penguins and Parrots, but Why?
September 03, 2019 — Two new fossil discoveries hint at the complex evolution undertaken by the island's ancient—and often huge—birds.