All Bird and Conservation News


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Waves of Opposition Deter Interior's Plans to Expand Offshore Drilling
May 07, 2019 — The Interior Department paused its push for oil and gas leases, giving coastal communities more time to organize and speak out.
Get to Know the Rambunctious Bushtit
May 06, 2019 — One of our tiniest songbirds, Bushtits can be found foraging in flocks throughout the west.
Sooty Tern Vomit Tells a Worrisome Story
May 06, 2019 — Populations of the seabird on Ascension Island have plummeted since the 1950s. A disrupted food chain could be to blame, scientists say.
When Women Run the Bird World
May 03, 2019 — For decades female birders have been the silent majority. Now they’re starting their own movements to transform a privileged culture.
Did Crows Actually Make These Gifts for the Human Who Feeds Them?
May 03, 2019 — The corvid brainiacs are known to leave trinkets behind, but scientists caution against reading too much into their motives.
A Birder's Workout Guide for Preventing Warbler Neck
May 02, 2019 — Feeling the burn during migration? Build your core muscles with these six expert-approved exercises.
Here’s Why Birds Rub Their Beaks on Stuff
May 01, 2019 — There’s more to this behavior than meets the eye. Some of it meets the nose.
Extreme Weather Caused Chaos for This Year's Crane Tourism Season
May 01, 2019 — Nebraska's Rowe Sanctuary saw a record number of migrating Sandhill Cranes, but the lack of visitors mean a hard financial year ahead.
Birders of the World Can Now Learn Close to a Thousand Species in Arabic
April 30, 2019 — The new “Birds of the Middle East” app makes the region's rich avian offerings accessible to schoolkids, residents, and travelers.
How a Bird's Habitat Influences Its Song
April 29, 2019 — Whether in the open tundra or a dense marsh, if a bird wants to be heard, certain sounds travel better than others.