All Bird and Conservation News


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Western Yellow-billed Cuckoo Remains Federally Protected after Delisting Threat Falls Flat
September 25, 2020 — Another example of the Audubon network delivering a victory for birds.
House Energy Legislation Provides Promising Opportunities for a Cleaner Future for Birds and People
September 24, 2020 — The package, which was voted on during National Clean Energy Week, supports a variety of energy and environmental justice bills
Climate Change Threatens Seabirds on Both Land and Sea
September 24, 2020 — Protecting birds and people from sea-level rise and warming oceans is a critical part of climate action.
El Cuclillo Pico Amarillo Permanece Protegido Federalmente Después de que Falla la Amenaza de Exclusión de la Lista
September 24, 2020 — Otro ejemplo de cómo la red Audubon ofrece una victoria para las aves.
Sustaining Healthy Groundwater Levels is Critical to Habitat, Birds, and People
September 24, 2020 — Webinar puts spotlight on need to protect groundwater in Arizona.
As the Planet Warms, Will Birds Escape the Heat?
September 23, 2020 — On land and sea, birds are at risk when the temperature spikes.
As the Climate Changes, How Will Birds Weather Heavier Rains and Snows?
September 22, 2020 — Climate change is a major driver of increasingly severe storms that threaten North American birds.
Frustration Abounds Five Years After the Historic Sage-Grouse Agreement
September 22, 2020 — The federal government hasn't kept up its end of the deal, advocates say, putting the bird back on course for an Endangered Species Act listing.
Grazing Provides Western Sandpipers with Important Source of Energy for Migration
September 22, 2020 — A relatively unassuming shorebird challenges birders’ notions of “normal” sandpiper behavior.
What You Need to Know About the Migratory Bird Initiative
September 22, 2020 — Audubon outreach biologists Mikko Jimenez and Chad Witko discuss this ambitious project to protect birds along their full migratory journeys.