All Bird and Conservation News


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It's Time to Rename the Ring-necked Duck
November 04, 2016 — One birder's impassioned plea to name the diver for a much more obvious—and useful—field mark.
A Vote for Washington State's I-732 Carbon Tax Proposal Is a Vote for a Safer Planet
November 03, 2016 — To help save birds and future generations, Audubon’s leaders are throwing their support behind what could be the nation’s first carbon tax.
Birdist Rule #101: Learn About the People Certain Birds Are Named After
November 03, 2016 — Like this Cooper's Hawk. Know who it was named for? Didn't think so.
How Twitter Can Make You a Better Birder
November 02, 2016 — Harness the power of the tweet and up your rarity-finding success.
Consider the Black Turnstone, a Master of Camouflage
November 02, 2016 — Compared with other shorebirds, the bird's range is extremely limited. But there might be a good reason for that.
Yes! More Australian Night Parrots Have Been Discovered
November 01, 2016 — The nocturnal bird is so rare that it was once thought to be extinct. This recent discovery gives its struggling population a big boost.
Should the Whooping Crane Shooter's Fine Have Been Higher?
October 28, 2016 — The Texas man who killed two of the endangered birds will pay $25,810—one-fifth the cost of raising a single Whooping Crane to adulthood.
Malheur Acquittal Sets a Dangerous Precedent for Protecting Public Lands
October 28, 2016 — A jury's decision to not convict seven of the armed citizens that occupied Oregon's Malheur National Wildlife Refuge for 41 days is very worrisome.
At the Tower of London, a Ravenmaster for the Digital Age
October 26, 2016 — An ancient tradition gets a modern update thanks to the social media-savvy caretaker of the Tower's six resident ravens.