All Bird and Conservation News


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How Two Secretive Seabirds Evaded the Endangered Species List
October 18, 2016 — Here’s something to celebrate: After biologists restored their nesting islands, Scripps’s and Guadalupe Murrelets don't need federal protection.
The Curious Case of the Itinerant Fulvous Whistling-Duck
October 18, 2016 — The wandering birds have been recorded all over the lower 48 states, but where they'll end up next is anyone's guess.
Rare White Hummingbird Steals the Spotlight at California Garden
October 17, 2016 — More than a thousand birders have admired and photographed the stunning Anna's Hummingbird this year.
Seven Great National Wildlife Refuges Everyone Should Visit
October 14, 2016 — It's National Wildlife Refuge Week, so Audubon's staffers put together a list of some of our favorite spots.
Why That American Robin Cameo in 'The Hobbit' Wasn't an Error
October 14, 2016 — Filmmakers often place birds in the wrong setting, but when it comes to fantasy movies, where should we draw the line—if at all?
Birdist Rule #23: Identify Your First Song Sparrow
October 13, 2016 — Once you do, all of those other “little brown jobs” get a little less confusing.
Mystery Solved: Invasive Berries to Blame for Turning Flickers’ Feathers Pink
October 13, 2016 — An old theory distracted researchers from the real cause for decades, but a new study points to a non-native species of honeysuckle as the culprit.
Watch: The Male Costa's Hummingbird Puts On One Wild Mating Display
October 12, 2016 — The behavior is rarely seen, and it's one of the more dramatic examples of courtship in the bird world.
How Urban Landscapers Use Native Plants to Create Habitats for Wildlife
October 12, 2016 — Increasingly, popular public spaces are using a conservation-oriented gardening philosophy that can also transform communities.
How to Recognize Six Warblers in Their Fall Feathers
October 07, 2016 — Study the finer details of migrating warblers with our handy photo guide.