All Bird and Conservation News


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Why Climate Matters for Birds, on Earth Day and Every Day
April 10, 2023 — Audubon is protecting birds and the places they need in a climate-altered world.
A dark brown bird with a long bill in water with its wings outstretched.
Plastic Pollution Is So Pervasive That It’s Causing a New Disease in Seabirds
April 06, 2023 — Researchers coined the term “plasticosis” to describe stomach damage related to ingesting trash.
Illustration of a hand holding a mirror showing a sparrow's face staring back in the reflection.
Meet the Little Brown Bird That Holds a Mirror Up to Humanity
April 05, 2023 — Whether we love, hate, or ignore the familiar House Sparrow, its story can teach us about how we relate to the natural world—and each other.
An illustration of a robot reaching up with one arm towards a hovering red bird.
Can New AI Chatbots Like ChatGPT Help You Identify Birds?
April 04, 2023 — ‘Audubon’ magazine’s intrepid AI expert pushed the cutting-edge technology to its limits on field marks, native plants, and ... Mr. Bean?
Common Tern flying over water.
The Common Tern
April 04, 2023 — Connecting the Gulf of Mexico to the Boreal Forest
Doka Nason sits beaming, surrounded by green foliage, with a trail camera displaying a photo of a rust- and black-colored bird.
Lost and Found
March 31, 2023 — Going in search of unfamiliar birds can be thrilling, but so can discovering the ones there all along.
A flock of gray Sandhill Cranes take flight while others stand in shallow water in the soft pink light of sunrise.
A Roadmap for the Future
March 31, 2023 — Our bold strategic plan will achieve new levels of impact for birds, people, and the planet.
A bird head, wing, feather, and foot silhouetted against a brain scan.
Yes, Birding Does Change Your Brain
March 29, 2023 — Neuroscientists puzzling over how human memory and learning function often turn to birdwatchers to connect the dots.
A close-up portrait of a kestrel with a spot of green dye on its feathers.
What Is Causing the American Kestrel’s Perplexing Decline?
March 29, 2023 — Although still common, these much-loved falcons continue to disappear from North American skies. Scientists are racing to understand why.
A woodpecker stuck to a glue trap with several bugs. Its wings are splayed out stuck to the paper with many feathers ripped out.
Meant to Catch Spotted Lanternflies, Glue Traps Are a Horrifying Hazard for Birds
March 29, 2023 — Wildlife rehabilitators, unable to save many victims, are urging the public to choose bird-safe methods of managing the invasive insects.