All Bird and Conservation News


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People birding on the side of a road with under-constructions cones in the center.
Travel in the Time of Climate Crisis
March 29, 2023 — As climate-related disasters ramp up, how can travelers minimize the harms and maximize the benefits they bring to recovering destinations?
A small brown and gray bird perches at the entrance of its dome-like, moss-and-lichen nest, holding plant material in its beak.
Bird Nests Tell Extraordinary Stories, If You Learn How to Read Them
March 29, 2023 — Casey McFarland, author of “Peterson Field Guide to North American Bird Nests,” describes how paying attention to nests can improve your birding.
As Storms Grow Stronger, a Historic Building Gains Height to Stay Dry
March 28, 2023 — Rather than abandon the 19th-century structure, staff at Hog Island Audubon Camp have elevated the Queen Mary by three feet.
Five cranes wade in shallow water reflecting a pink sky, with a flock of white geese, fields, and mountains in the distance.
New Mexico Creates Conservation Fund to Protect Rivers, Wildlife, and More
March 28, 2023 — The historic trust will bring in more funds and promote climate resilience.
A male Greater Sage-Grouse with a spiky, fanned tail stands in a field of sagebrush habitat with an out of focus pronghorn behind him.
The Window for Saving the Sagebrush Ecosystem is Rapidly Closing
March 28, 2023 — A health report for a vast western landscape finds alarming habitat loss but offers a strategy for saving what remains.
A dove sits in a hanging planter basket next to a house.
What Should I Do If I Find a Nest Where It Doesn’t Belong?
March 24, 2023 — Sometimes birds nest too close to home. Experts share what to do if you find birds raising young on your house or building.
Why You Should Scale Up Your Birding By Looking for Reptiles
March 23, 2023 — Lower your binoculars and expand your next trip by seeking out snakes, lizards, and amphibians. Here are some expert tips to get you started.
Aerial view of a river winding through a vast landscape.
With Construction Days Away, Groups Ask Court to Halt Massive Willow Oil Project
March 22, 2023 — The Biden administration-approved “carbon bomb” in the Alaskan Arctic will foul a vital sanctuary for birds, caribou, and Native people, critics say.
National Audubon Society Announces Decision to Retain Current Name
March 16, 2023 — Organization commits to new $25 million fund to expand Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging work, a decision that follows a thorough and inclusive process to examine the legacy of its namesake.
Open Letter from the CEO on Audubon’s Name
March 16, 2023 — Hear directly from Dr. Elizabeth Gray on why Audubon is keeping its name.