All Bird and Conservation News


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Audubon Great Lakes Celebrates Signing of Great Lakes Restoration Initiative Act
January 12, 2021 — Bipartisan-backed legislation ensures the continued restoration and protection of the world’s largest freshwater ecosystem
In Praise of the Great-tailed Grackle, a Bird That Doesn't Need Your Respect
January 11, 2021 — Few species are as polarizing as these urbanites, but one thing is indisputable: Their ubiquity is a sign of their adaptability and success.
Meet Susan Fenimore Cooper, America’s First Recognized Female Nature Writer
January 08, 2021 — In 1850, Cooper anonymously published a book whose call for conservation won praise from Charles Darwin. It was largely forgotten—until recently.
Top Arizona Water Priorities for the Legislature this Year
January 07, 2021 — A fresh look at how the statehouse can support Arizona’s waterways.
Principales prioridades del agua de Arizona para la legislatura este año
January 07, 2021 — Una nueva mirada a cómo la casa estatal puede apoyar las vías fluviales de Arizona
The Arctic Refuge Lease Sale Was a Flop
January 07, 2021 — As many predicted, the first auction of oil rights in the wildlife refuge earned taxpayers a tiny fraction of what pro-drilling politicians promised.
How a Landmark Environmental Law May Have Quietly Saved a Billion Birds
January 06, 2021 — New research reveals a previously uncounted benefit of the Clean Air Act—at a time when the Trump administration is weakening its protections.
Trump to Birds: Drop Dead
January 05, 2021 — Just days before leaving office, the administration has finalized its three-year rush to gut the Migratory Bird Treaty Act—despite a court ruling that its position is against the law and will increase preventable bird deaths.
More Birds Bring More Happiness, According to Science
January 05, 2021 — A pair of new studies show how birds improve our wellbeing, adding to a growing body of evidence that avians are an antidote to our despair.
The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge Faces Its Biggest Threat Yet This Week
January 04, 2021 — After decades of attempts, Wednesday will bring the first-ever sale of oil leases in the wild Alaskan haven, with a tundra-damaging seismic survey soon to follow—unless a judge steps in.