All Bird and Conservation News


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Which Bird Is the Fastest Runner?
September 25, 2017 — Find out how an emu, a roadrunner, and an ostrich would place in a race against each other—and a pair of Olympic sprinters.
A Former Soldier Who Found Solace Rehabbing Raptors, Now Helps Other Struggling Veterans
September 22, 2017 — After the Persian Gulf War, Robert Vallières grappled with aneurysms, PTSD, and more. Birds are the ones that brought him back.
Inside the Race to Save the Florida Grasshopper Sparrow, North America’s Most Endangered Bird
September 22, 2017 — The only hope to prevent extinction may be to remove some of the last birds from the wild for captive breeding. This summer scientists scrambled to collect enough sparrows before the breeding season’s end.
Catching up with Brian Rutledge, Champion of the Sagebrush Sea
September 22, 2017 — It's been two years since an unprecedented partnership kept the Greater Sage-Grouse from being listed as endangered. Here, Rutledge, who played a vital role, reflects on the future of the bird and the effort's success.
Hurricane Irma Destroyed All Everglade Snail Kite Nests at Lake Okeechobee
September 22, 2017 — In total, 44 actives nests were lost—a stunning and tragic blow to the endangered raptor.
Without Federal Help, Local Efforts Add Up in the Climate Fight
September 21, 2017 — According to two reports, states, cities, and businesses are on track to meet half the U.S. pledge to reduce carbon emissions under the Paris Agreement.
The Alarming Decline of the Florida Grasshopper Sparrow Is a Wake-Up Call
September 21, 2017 — These birds are barely hanging on in the wild, but there’s still hope.
Zinke's New Conservation Plans Will Hurt, Not Help, Sage-Grouse Recovery Efforts
September 21, 2017 — As the saying goes, if it ain’t broke, don’t try to fix it.
What's at Stake: Making Farmland Work for Wildlife
September 21, 2017 — Audubon California's Samantha Arthur joined forces with dairy farmers to save the Tricolored Blackbird. The proposed USDA budget would see the partnership and possibly even the species go extinct.
What's at Stake: Protecting Our Estuaries
September 21, 2017 — As part of a much larger potential cut, Jenna Harper and her staff at Florida’s Apalachicola Reserve stand to lose 70 percent of their funding. The people and wildlife that depend on them stand to lose everything.