All Bird and Conservation News


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Why Some Birds' Names Have Changed
February 06, 2017 — Remember the Rufous-sided Towhee?
Are You Sure You're Saying That Bird's Name Right?
February 04, 2017 — Odd spellings, multiple pronunciations, complicated histories—bird names can create plenty of awkward moments in the field.
Why Closer Is Not Always Better When Photographing Birds
February 03, 2017 — The impulse to shoot your subject at close range can be powerful, but there are several reasons why that's not best for the animal—or the image.
[UPDATED] The Gas Industry Leaks Enough Gas to Power Three Million Homes Each Year. Congress Is About to Say That's Fine.
February 03, 2017 — A rule that restricts wasteful gas leaks and keeps a powerful greenhouse gas out of the atmosphere will likely get overturned any day now. Here's why that's bad for everyone.
Birdist Rule #7: Take a Kid Birding
February 03, 2017 — Helping the next generation learn the joys of birding is important, but first you have to make it fun. Try these tips.
A Beak Boom Millions of Years Ago Created the Diversity of Bird Bills We Know Today
February 02, 2017 — The variety of fantastic bill shapes we know today first came about in a sudden burst, and then slowly evolved over the next 65 million years, according to a new study.
New Federal Lead Rule Will Have Hunters and Fishers Looking to Safer Alternatives
February 01, 2017 — Twenty-five years after the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service banned lead shot for waterfowl hunting, the agency is expanding its protections.
In India, Two Brothers Are Saving Black Kites from a Surprising Foe: Paper Kites
February 01, 2017 — Competitive kite flying in Delhi is slicing up raptors. These siblings are patching up injured birds and pushing for safer skies.
Reminder: Scott Pruitt Is Still an Abysmal Choice to Lead the EPA
January 31, 2017 — The former Oklahoma attorney general is likely to be approved this week, but there are a slew of reasons why he shouldn't be. Here are some of them.
How Lasers Are Revealing Hidden Evolutionary Clues in Ancient Bird Fossils
January 31, 2017 — Using a special lighting technique, researchers have already made several surprising discoveries about one early species of feathered dinosaur.