All Bird and Conservation News


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Watch: New Shrike Film Shows Previously Undocumented 'Butcher Bird' Behaviors
June 06, 2017 — A filmmaker spent two years capturing rare footage of nesting Loggerhead Shrikes, including young birds practicing their impaling skills—on leaves.
Listen to the Pectoral Sandpiper's Amazing Aerial Mating Display
June 05, 2017 — Along with many other species, every summer this shorebird heads to the coastal plain of Alaska's Arctic Refuge to breed.
The Insider’s Guide to Birding in Central Park, New York City
June 02, 2017 — It won’t be your typical birding experience—but that’s what also makes it so special. We asked the experts for tips to make the most of your visit.
B.A.R.K. Rangers Protect Plovers by Being Model Canine Citizens
June 02, 2017 — New outreach programs in national and state parks turn canine foes into friends of nesting birds and other wildlife.
An Ode to Two Tanagers
June 02, 2017 — When an ornithologist saw this photo of two Scarlet Tanagers killed by striking a glass window, he was moved to write a poem.
U.S. Exit from Paris Climate Agreement Sets America on Lonely, Misbegotten Path
June 01, 2017 — Claiming the unprecedented climate accord was designed to hurt American economic interests, President Trump has pulled the U.S. from the global pact to fight climate change.
Proposed Budget Cuts Signal First Attack on Current Sage-Grouse Protection Plan
May 31, 2017 — Sweeping land-use plans kept the Greater Sage-Grouse off the endangered species list. What happens if the Trump administration rolls them back?
Ravens Are Making a Comeback In Cities
May 30, 2017 — The resurgence of North America's largest corvid continues.
How Flamingos Stand on One Leg Without Falling Over
May 27, 2017 — New research shows that the birds are specially built for balancing.
Did Folklore Help Bring Denmark's Ravens Back From the Brink?
May 26, 2017 — The once-endangered raven is rebounding in some parts of Scandinavia, and its role in Norse mythology and Danish history might have helped.